DVDs & Videos

A substantial library of clips of Ashley Mote’s speeches in the European Parliament and elsewhere are freely available on YouTube. Just follow this link


A limited supply of DVDs of speeches made elsewhere are available on demand

These include:

Who Governs Britain?

Compelling criticism of the proposed EU Constitution (later repackaged as the Lisbon Treaty) offering a simple analysis of the details and a powerful argument why Britain should overturn its ratification forced through Westminster by Gordon Brown without the promised referendum.

Written and directed by Ashley Mote, the programme is based on a speech given at meetings across the UK during 2004

The Secret Heart of the EU

A DVD programme revealing details of the democratic and financial corruption of the EU, first released in 2006. Filmed during a series of meetings organised by the Allied Council of Eurosceptics in Hampshire and Surrey during March that year.

The Secret Heart of the EU lasts 58 minutes.

Based on Ashley Mote’s work as the UK’s only independent MEP, the programme is divided into three parts: Democratic Corruption, Financial Corruption and The Way Ahead. Much of the material has never been fully exposed in public before. These meetings were launched with a devastating analysis of the present state of British politics.

We Want Our Country Back

A DVD of a speech given by Ashley Mote at the Right Now Conference on Trafalgar Day 21 October 2006. The pamphlet of the same name was based on that conference speech.

All DVDs are obtainable for £5 each, postage included. Please email
ashley.mote25@gmail.com to arrange purchase and delivery.

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